Skeletons At The Darts

Skeletons At The Darts


2022, oil on canvas, 30” x 40”

This original painting is part of a collection featuring skeletons in a nostalgic setting. This particular scene is from a pub with a lady - playing darts back when smoking indoors was still the norm. The pub is packed with a crowd of revellers watching and drinking beer. The skeletons symbolise a time in social history that has since departed, the scene itself dating back to the 1950s. It fits quite seamlessly with the original piece that started this collection off, ‘Skeletons in the club’.

This painting is also available to order as a high quality A4 giclée print.

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As this is an original piece of art, it will need careful packaging and courier service to be delivered. For all orders, you will receive an instant order confirmation, followed by an email to confirm when it has been dispatched with a tracking number.

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